Sunday, October 12, 2008


There are a lot of groups being blamed for the current credit collapse : The government didn't regulate enough, the traders were too risky, the consumers were ignorant. Well one group evading the harsh steady-eyed criticism of Anderson Jones and the like are consignment shops. What do consignment shops have to do with the the state of our finances? Oh, I'm not really sure, only like everything (patronizing tone).

To see how they are to blame you have to see how they benefit, their motive. What happens when someone defaults on their mortgage? Where does the furniture go? I think you already know Einstein. Secondly, where do people shop when they're hard up for cash? You starting to pick it up yet, moron? What, you're sick of me talking down to you (aggresive tone) ? You have enough to worry about with losing your retirement account and stubbing your toe on the coffee table you don't even like, without some punk being a jerk via a fake article?

Well guess what? This is exactly how the CEOs of Salvation Army, Value Village and all the other corporate jerks want you to feel. They want you to turn on me and all the others trying to educate in an obnoxious manner to get you idiots to finally wake up.

1 comment:

Page said...

I think you need to come up with another font style to represent condescention and aggressiveness. Italics and bold are so 2006 and the parentheses might as well say "You are a terrible reader who can't decipher basic things like EMOTION and s a r c a s m. That environmental science degree sure did you a lot of good you lascivious Sepiidae."

See what I did there?